Og ættingjarnir trúa sjálfsagt.....

.....ennþá á "tannálfinn" og "karlinn í tunglinu"Grin LoL .  (Gott samt að enn er til græskulaust fólk, sem trúir ekki nema góðu einu um náungann.  Verst hvað trúgirni þeirra, kostar þau mikið fé.)
mbl.is Fangelsuð fyrir að féfletta ættingjana
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Einhverjir hljóta að vera trúgjarnir, ég fékk þennan póst í gær stílaðan á: undisclosed-recipients


Hello My dear,
I have been waiting for you since then to come down here and pick your outstanding payment left but I did not hear from you since that time as we fixed. Then I went and deposited the $1.5,000 000.00 (One million, five hundred thousand) US Dollars. I lodged the funds inside a Copper box as Consignment with IMPEX COURIER SERVCE COMPANY in Benin Republic because I travelled to China to visit my friend for the Company's Annual Board meeting. I will not come back till next month end.
Please note that I did not disclose to the Courier that the content of the Consignment box is cash money, instead I registered the consignment as containing some pieces of Art work, this was for security reason and to ensure that the Consigned fund reached you safely.
I want You to contact the IMPEX COURIER SERVCE COMPANY to know when they will deliver your package(fund). I have paid for the delivering charges except the keeping fee which they said it can only be paid when the Deposits is ready for shipment to the Receiver.
Therefore, The only money you have to send to them is the security keeping fee which is $99.00 Us Dollars to receive your package at your nominated address.
So be advised to contact the Courier Director through this below details and reconfirm to him the information and address where to send the Package to you.
CONTACT PHONE +229  93 81 13 43.
Try to contact them as soon as possible to avoid increasing the Security Keeping fee. I Would have given them the address but I later thought you have to reconfirm it to them again to avoid any mistake on the delivery and to be sure the fund is delivered to the nominated address of your Choice.
Reconfirm below information to the company.
Your Full Name................
Your Address...................
Home telephone..................
Office telephone..................
Your picture.......................
Let me know as soon as you received the consignment(fund) so that I will be sure you received the total  $1.5,000 000.00
Best Wishes,
Engr. RON JOHN(Messr)

Kristbjörg (IP-tala skráð) 5.12.2007 kl. 19:58

2 Smámynd: Sigríður Sigurðardóttir

  Váv, Kristbjörg! 

  Skyldu margir kaupa þetta?  Og senda um hæl persónulegar upplýsingar ásamt 99 dollurum?  Það er þá glatað fé um alla eilífð .  Jamm, líklega er slatti til af "My dear-um"  í heiminum, sem gleypa við svona agni!  Æ,æ!

Sigríður Sigurðardóttir, 6.12.2007 kl. 17:53

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