10.12.2008 | 17:44
Thank you Mister Brown.
First you turned us into
terrorists, and than you
saved us all.....and the
whole world too.
What a nice man you are,
Mister Brown.
Who needs a friend when he
has an enemy like you.
You can be our "enemy" here in Iceland,
any time you like,
and we'd love to be your "number one"
terrorists whenever we can.
We were going to send you some
(red) herring for Christmas, to thank you.
But our herring's been rather poorly and sick,
so we'll be sending you a few "Cod-heads"
instead, as we know how much you love Cod!
Your goverment even sent us Britain“s
whole damn navy, to get some, a few years back.
By the way, does the pope know, there is a
"new world savior" alive and well in Britain?
And mabe you should have a discussion with
the Jews as well?
............ .......... ...........
Hehehe, hśsfreyja bara varš aš fį
śtrįs fyrir smį meinlegheit ķ garš Mister Brown.
Er ekki enn bśin aš venja sig
viš aš vera "hryšjuverkamašur" ķ stórum
stķl žegar Mister Brown er annars vegar.
Kann ekki einu sinni aš brżna hnķfa, eša
hlaša byssur, hśsfreyja.
Žvķ sķšur bśa til sprengjur og er skķthrędd
viš venjulega flugelda į įramótum.
En gott aš "Brśnn" breta er ķ góšum gķr,
og enginn aukvisi žegar einhverju žarf aš bjarga.
Góšar stundir.
Gordon Brown bjargar heiminum | |
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